Call for Papers

Important Date

Full paper submission deadlineAugust 15, 2019

Payment deadline for presenters (1 and 2)

Payment deadline for participants

August 15, 2019
Full paper acceptance notification
August 15, 2019

Submission of final paper

August 23, 2019
Conference dayAugust 22—23, 2019

Use IOP Templates (using our Microsoft Word or using our LaTeX2e templates)

Use EAI Templates

Author Guidelines

General Manuscript Submission Guidelines :

  1. Authors have to register first before submitting a paper.
  2. Authors are requested to submit their paper electronically by using the online submission and review site ( This site will guide authors through the five step submission process.
  3. Submissions that do not adhere to this procedure WILL NOT be considered for the review process.
  4. Authors are required to conform to the (Reference Guidelines) as given here if they want their manuscripts to be considered for publication.
  5. Authors are to check manuscripts for accuracy of language before submitting to the journal.
  6. Manuscripts submitted to ICLLE go through an internal review and if they meet the basic requirements, they are sent out for double blind review from experts in the field, either from the editorial board or identified reviewers.
  7. Comments from the external reviewers are sent to the authors and they are notified later (accept, accept with revisions, reject). This entire review process will take a time. The editor’s decision is final.

Submissions for this conference were closed on 2019-08-17.